Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue's Fan Box

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Two Side to Every Story... You be the judge!

Hey everyone! My name is Dyani! I am one of Butters Bloggin' Buddies and I have a problem for you to solve!

So I was playing with Noa and Sonic and all of a sudden a giant hawk picked me up and almost ate me. Just before I was hawk breakfast my brothers scared the hawk and he dropped me in the sink. I had no choice but to stay there and clean the dishes. She should be grateful...what nerve she had to chase me away. I had to stand there giving her my classic "nobody's home" blank stare as I was frightened that the giant prey driven bird would come back and scoop me up. Why does she never understand these things?!

I was a little bit of a slacker last night and left some pots in the sink. This morning Dyani was feeling extra mischievous, especially now that she is more reliable with her potty training and has an ounce of freedom. She was playing with the boys (which always spells trouble) and all of a sudden I hear clanking in my kitchen. On occasion the dogs have taken Tupperware and things out fo the sink. I told them to leave it and heard nothing else. Not ten seconds later I hear clanking again and go to investigate. I look around the kitchen and see no dogs...I was about to turn around and leave and then that little witch caught my eye. She was STANDING on the COUNTER! Yes STANDING on the COUNTER with her head in the sink licking the pots. I told her to get off and she look at me as though I was nuts (with her blank stare that makes you think she is really not all that smart BTW) and ran down the counter to flea. Right over the STOVE! Needless to say I picked her up and put her on the floor and shamed her profusely through my laughter. That was more than counter surfing it was like counter boating. UGH!

I don't know.. but I think that Hawk was pretty darn scary!

1 comment:

Khady Lynn said...

I've seen those giant hawks! They are huge and you were very lucky to have been dropped on the sink! I think you were being very nice to clean the dishes while up there! Your human should be pleased you wanted to help out!

I totally believe YOUR story!
