I would like all my blogging friends to meet the newest puppy saved by Tails from a terrible situation. She is being fostered my Aunty Jodi (who I like....she has that cute Naji girl on my webpage that I was giving paw too) and her name is Pilan but they call her Pia for short. She was tied out all day on a tie out with a belt buckle for a collar and was jumping over the fence....she could have strangled herself for dogness! I just don't understand the likes of some of these humans...thank dogness she is in a better place now. Aunty Jodi says she has SOOOO much to learn, she is scared of everything, not potty trained, not liking that crate thingy....sounds like her old humans didn't teach her a lick of anything. I have to say though....I think she is quite a cutie pie and I am really thinking Aunty Jodi will have her all fixed up by the hike so we can have a "meeting" if ya know what I mean......isn't she cute?
Some people just should never have pets! I think we should use that belt to whip those stupid mean humans for doing that to her.
Thank goodness she is now in foster care and can get the love she so deserves!
Ohhh look at that beautiful mask!!
Holly said it best. Some people should never have pets!!!
My mommy said that she looks so precious! If people don't want to take care of their pets, they shouldn't have them. She is definitely better off with your Aunty. Mommy gets upset when she thinks of some horses at her barn whose owners never come out to take care of them & all they do is stand all day in their box/stall. Keep us updated on her progress. Lots of woos, -Cosmos-
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