Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue's Fan Box

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bloggers Unite-Save Me at the Hike!

So, the evil one has been known to dress me up in the house and take pictures, but here is what you all didn't know until now.....sigh. She has also dressed me up and taken me out to public appearances where people throwstuff like $$$ at me (she calls it a Donation Vest?).....I call it embarassing! What does she think I am anyway? A doggie escort already? Anyway, I am thinking that for anyone who gets thier humans to come and have fun at the hike and meet me.....I may once again be subject to this doggie escort suit:( So, please ladies don't get to excited...it is all in the evil ones plan to simply torture me once again......and here is proof, I got pictures! Please note the squinting of my eyes and the look of embarassment as I hang my head and the girls fawn all over me:( Come to the hike all and SAVVVVEEEE MMMMEEEEE......

1 comment:

Khady Lynn said...

Oh Butters, I'm so sorry for your embarrassment! But, hopefully after you endure the humiliation, you can actually find your furever home!! Then it will be all worth it!
