Though I never got to meet her....my Aunty Jodi says that Little Lou was just the sweetest little pupster around and she endured alot in her 5 months with TOTT until her untimely trip to the Rainbow Bridge at only 8 months old:( It is very sad for my Buttery mind to thnk that she never got to live a full life, but Aunty Jodi says she spoiled the puppy muffins out of her while she had her for those 5 months, so atleast she was well loved while she was here. If any of my Blogger buds can find thier Humes plastic thingys and pledge just a wee bit for her memory...it would mean alot to her sister Vienna and to Little Lou looking down from the clouds:)
Poor little Lou. At least she had a lot of love and kindness in her short life. That is the most important thing.
Oh she is sooo cute! I hate that she had to leave this world so early.
Doodles is very sad about Little Lou!
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