Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue's Fan Box

Monday, July 30, 2007


It was a busy weekend for me folks and I have some REALLY important news to share.... I WAS ADOPTED! So, mark your calendars for July 28th is my very own Gotcha Day! I share a home with a very sweet dog that was also a foster dog in Tails of the Tundra and adopted out in 2003, her name is Imoya.

I am adjusting pretty well for them.. they are very nice people here. As I understand it we will be doing lots of traveling, camping and stufff like that. AND... they really don't seem like the sort of folks who will dress me up! I even PLAYED with a tennis ball on Sunday.

They also met some other dogs too.. one dog named Rocco (as I understand it he found his home with a high energy dog leter in the day), and another pup named Zodiac. But it was ME they fell in love with!

My foster mommy made them PROMISE to bring me to the hike. I think I saw her even shed a tear or two as she left. I'll be okay foster momma!

I'll be sure to check in when I can and let everyone know how I am doing. Back to getting situated in my new home!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hike in Memory

Though I never got to meet her....my Aunty Jodi says that Little Lou was just the sweetest little pupster around and she endured alot in her 5 months with TOTT until her untimely trip to the Rainbow Bridge at only 8 months old:( It is very sad for my Buttery mind to thnk that she never got to live a full life, but Aunty Jodi says she spoiled the puppy muffins out of her while she had her for those 5 months, so atleast she was well loved while she was here. If any of my Blogger buds can find thier Humes plastic thingys and pledge just a wee bit for her memory...it would mean alot to her sister Vienna and to Little Lou looking down from the clouds:)


Friday, July 13, 2007

New puppy breath!

I would like all my blogging friends to meet the newest puppy saved by Tails from a terrible situation. She is being fostered my Aunty Jodi (who I like....she has that cute Naji girl on my webpage that I was giving paw too) and her name is Pilan but they call her Pia for short. She was tied out all day on a tie out with a belt buckle for a collar and was jumping over the fence....she could have strangled herself for dogness! I just don't understand the likes of some of these humans...thank dogness she is in a better place now. Aunty Jodi says she has SOOOO much to learn, she is scared of everything, not potty trained, not liking that crate thingy....sounds like her old humans didn't teach her a lick of anything. I have to say though....I think she is quite a cutie pie and I am really thinking Aunty Jodi will have her all fixed up by the hike so we can have a "meeting" if ya know what I mean......isn't she cute?


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bloggers Unite-Save Me at the Hike!

So, the evil one has been known to dress me up in the house and take pictures, but here is what you all didn't know until now.....sigh. She has also dressed me up and taken me out to public appearances where people throwstuff like $$$ at me (she calls it a Donation Vest?).....I call it embarassing! What does she think I am anyway? A doggie escort already? Anyway, I am thinking that for anyone who gets thier humans to come and have fun at the hike and meet me.....I may once again be subject to this doggie escort suit:( So, please ladies don't get to excited...it is all in the evil ones plan to simply torture me once again......and here is proof, I got pictures! Please note the squinting of my eyes and the look of embarassment as I hang my head and the girls fawn all over me:( Come to the hike all and SAVVVVEEEE MMMMEEEEE......

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Live Too Far Away but still want a Hike T-Shirt?

A few folks have been askin' me about getting one of those fancy Hike T-shirts.. but they said they live too far away to be hikin' in PA. SOOO I found out the deal! Here is what the Rescue has to say on that:

"Don't forget that even if you are unable to attend the hike in PA... You can STILL register as a remote hiker! Simply complete either the registration form and mail it in or use the easy paypal form. You will be asked to add $8 to cover the costs of shipping and handling for your goodies if you qualify for any of the pledge incentives. To qualify for one of the top three prizes your pledge form and collected money must be postmarked by Sept. 11th."

Sounds pretty simple to me! And of course if you can always go and just put in a pledge for me!:)

Monday, July 9, 2007

A Chance To Take ME for a Hike!

Sorry Folks.. I am a bit behind these days:) BEEN BUSY BUSY BUSY! I posted on my Dogster page a few days ago... But ANY WOO... CHECK THIS OUT PALS!!! The Rescue has opened up their registration for the Hike.. and assuming I don't have a home yet, the first person with $5 at the foster booth can WALK ME!

Every Breed, Every size, Every shape to join us at the 5th Annual Tails on the Trails for a fun-filled day of hiking, games, and so much more!

Everyone at Tails of the Tundra is excited to share this great dog experience with you. Dogless People are welcome too... hike in honor/memory of a person, pet, or as a donation.
Warminster Community Park in Warminster, PA
Saturday, September 15, 2007
9am -- Check-in & Registration / 10am -- Hike
Rain or Shine
to support Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue, Inc.
(a 501c3 non-profit rescue organization)



Also VERY important!! Register by Sept. 4th to Save $15.00! Registration includes: A VERY COOL T-SHIRT, Bandanna, and a GOODIE BAG! I am sure you know what that means! LOTS OF GOODIES!!!

OH AND SO... MOST IMPORTANTLY! You can make a pledge to me!
Or any of my other cute pals!

More later... gotta get me some beauty sleep.. I have a BAD feeling.. I may be called on by the evil one for modeling purposes!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


I found a special disguise... You don't think the evil one will find me do you?

I even have a dancing monkey to distract her! Oh.. and I left her a special present in front of the door if she tries to come in and get me!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Nika the Princess

See... I TOLD YOU SO!!! Nika Really Is A Princess!

Monday, July 2, 2007

WHEW!!! Had to Interview the Evil One.

Sitka and Tia tagged me on this interview one! Whew... wow Bloggin' can tire an Ol' Man Butters out!

So last night I got to interview the foster mom, aka the evil one. I had to take a nap before I could transcribe it all out... But here is what I have to report back:

Butters (B): Good evenin' Evil one... I mean foster momma...
Evil One Paige (EOP): Good Evening to you Butter Man.

B: Can you please state your name for the record?
EOP: Why? Where are you planning on using this?

B: Ummm.. no where.. I just want to know.
EOP: Ok Butters.. I am Paige.

B: I have a few questions for you this evening... that I need answered. My first question is.. where do you go everyday when you and the foster dad lock me in that metal jail thing?
EOP: Well Butters, we have to go do stuff for other human folk who in turn give us money that we can use to get you food and other goodies. I work in a place called a Bank where they handle the money for other folks in something called the Credit Risk area. .

B: Hmmm.. but why lock me in the jail thing?
EOP: Well Butters, the short version or the long version of it?

B: The short version will do.
EOP: Well, while we are still getting to know and trust you we need to give you limits and set boundaries. Since when we aren't home we can't tell you what things you can and can't get into, the jail thing helps us do that.

B: So you don't trust me??? After all I put up with from you??
EOP: Butters, do I need to remind you about the trash can incident?

B: But that was just ONCE!
EOP: Could that be because we moved all trash cans up high?

B: Okay fine... let's move on Evil One, errr... I mean Foster momma. So speaking of food... why don't I get the really neat stuff that I see the other dogs getting? .
EOP: I don't know what you are talking about. You get Evo dog food daily, which you seem to love. You also get fish oil supplements for your coat, and you get raw eggs, yogurt or cottage cheese mixed in with your kibble every day.

B: Oh come on now.. You know what I am talking about!
EOP: OHH.. you mean the chickens, pork, deer and other stuff they get.. well Butters those dogs eat a RAW diet. You eat close to a raw diet. But since you are a foster dog and not everyone is keen on the RAW diet, we are sticking to kibble with you. EVO is as close as you can get to RAW in a kibble diet. .

B: Well that's @#$(&! I want RAW! It looks SOOO YUMMY!!! Nika, Rudi, Fugas and Pandora all look to be having soo much fun eating it. So why don't you just keep me?
EOP: Well Butters, we really would love to keep you. But we just can't afford it. We have the other four pups and it is expensive to own and care for dogs. On all of our dogs we have annual blood work done, that is how we were able to find out that Nika has masses on her liver and get that taken care of before it was too hard to help her. When we go off to work each day (you know when we put you in the jail), we only get so much money to take care of all of you and as dogs get older more things can happen and we want to be able to do whatever is needed for each dog to give them long happy lives. And we want the same for you! We want a home for you that can afford to do that for you without sacrificing the care of their existing dogs if they have any. So until then you are welcome to stay as long as you need.

B: Well, I GUESS that makes sense. How about getting more work? Wait never mind.. that means longer jail time. Okay, but can I put in a request to have a home that feeds me that RAWstuff?
EOP: Ok Butters, I will try.

B: Oh... and I want my new humans not to dress me up!
EOP: Aww Butters... you don't like helping out and dressing up? .

B: Uhh... NO!
EOP: So you don't want the treats I give you in return for dressing up and the photo shoots?

B: Well... I want the treats, just no dressing up.
EOP: Ok Butters.. I will work on that. But if I have to work for stuff, should you?

B: I'd say NO. I had a hard enough life. Ever hear of retirement lady?
EOP: Ok Butters.. good point. I will try.

B: So, speaking of foster dogs... exactly how many were there before me?
EOP: Well Butters, you are the 46th foster dog for us with Tails of the Tundra. I think.

B: You think??? What you can't count?
EOP: I really don't like to count.

B: Isn't that what you do during the day? Work at a place where they count?
EOP: I work where they count money, but I do other stuff which has more to do with reading and words and other computer stuff. I also do other stuff too when I am home.. paint, draw and do graphics stuff.

B: AH HA! So maybe if you did more of that other stuff you COULD afford me!
EOP: I do that other stuff so I can afford the four dogs! And I also enjoy it.. it is like a hobby too.

B: So what? I am not a good enough Hobby?
EOP: Oh come on now Butters.. I love you and you are more than a Hobby. That is why your foster parents have done Rescue for.. well for over 9 years now. We love all of you pups.

B: Okay.. fair enough... I GUESS... Evil O... err... foster momma. So when and where is this new home of mine? I'd like to start training... I mean getting to know them.
EOP: Patience Butters... they are out there. Until then just hang out with us.

B: Okay.. YAWWWNNN... if you insist.
EOP: You tired Butters?

B: Doesn't a yawn normally mean that? Of course I am tired! I am an Ol' man.
EOP: Okay Butters.. let's get to bed then.

B: Sounds good. Oh one more thing foster momma.
EOP: Yes Butters.

B: Can you PLEASE explain to Nika and Fugas that I really don't care about their toys, and they can stop yellin' at me!
EOP: I keep telling them that.. but they REALLY like those toys.

B Uh huh... YAWWWNNN... okay we can talk more about this tomorrow.
EOP: Okay Butters. Night.

Butters aka Killer:)

So last Saturday night after my long day we had some visitors of the human kind over....and I was still sort of tired. All I wanted to do was lay on the evil ones legs....and that darn Fugas stepped on me hind quarters! Can you all believe the nerve of that big galoof?!? So....I jumped up and told him (in doggie talk of course so the humans will never know what I really said) to get the HE double toothpicks off me! Well, he listened and then ws afraid to walk by me the rest of the night to go potty outside:) That big wimpy dog....then what do you expect from a dog that the evil one has made pose as Santa Dog and has a forked tongue:) Anyways....the evil one and her human hubbie kept teasin me and calling me "killer" the rest of the night....cause I really need any more nick names! Heres a picture of Fugas so you can see what I mean about how tortured he is!

OH and.. Sitka! I will work on that interview with the evil one!

Butters Be Taggin'

It seems I have been Tagged by two loveable pups named Tasha and Eve!

Seven random facts about me eh?

#1. My full rescue name is Feo Butters Stroud. Feo is because the rescue goes by the alphabet and that is what the first foster home picked for me. (Yes I know it means Ugly in Spanish, but they meant for it to be an Indian name)... silly humans! Stroud came because I was found in Stroudsberg, and Butters.. the name I go by most.. Yes it is Butters from South Park. My foster parents thought I acted a bit like him, so it suited me.

#2. When they first found me, my ears were frost bitten and fell off:(, I also had lyme disease and a big thing in my eye that they removed, a nasty hot spot thing on my leg, REALLY ugly red stuff on my face. But I am MUCH better now!

#3. I like to walk up to corners in a room then just lay down without turning around.

#4. Oh, you should know I don't hear everything... my hearing isn't great, they say it happens with age. The evil one won't tell me when she is eating all the time and I wake up and see I missed everything and lost my chance to beg cauyse I never heard all the bag ruffle sounds!

#5. When I first arrived in rescue I had no hair on my neck, parts of my back and my tail... I also had a collar partially in my neck. It did hurt a bit. And they called me Crunchy Coat because my coat was rather stiff to touch. They think I was kept outside most of my life and neglected.. but I prefer not to talk about the past any more.

#6. I LOVE the taste of Cottage Cheese!!! YUMMM!!!!!

#7. I like to drive my evil foster mom batty and on drives I will randomly stand up and start wagging my tail like I see something, then lay back down and go to sleep. Makes her nuts to try and figure out what I am waggin' at!

Hmmmm...Who shall Butters Be Taggin'?? I am new here so I don't ahve to many friends who haven't already been tagged! Well I came upon Althea and I tagged her cause I know her shirt at least!!!