Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue's Fan Box

Saturday, June 30, 2007

OH...the adoption day torture!!!!

So today the evil one wakes me up all early in the morning, packs me into her convertible and takes me for a ride. I think....ok, a ride is fun, this could be good......I should have known better! We get to a strange house where I meet some folks I have never met before, some weird little critters that have four legs like me....but they hiss and spit. WHOAH....they scared me half to death I have to tell ya, I avoided them at all costs hiding behind the evil ones legs! She said we were at an "adoption" whatever that means. I also got to meet another cool dog named Barrow.....he was a slow older dude like me, I liked him other then he had some sort of mutant paw with only 3 toes....it was silly looking but he didn't seem to care:)So why the nice lady who lived there was deciding who she wanted to "adopt".....the evil one takes me out into the yard and plays "bowling with Butters." It was NOT nice....she kept tossing me in the ivy and taking pictures.....muttering something about calender pictures? I have no idea what she was talking about but I tell you...that was not a fun game and even though I look like I was modeling beatifully, secretly i was protesting inside! Then the nice lady picked the mutant paw dog....so why they are all inside doing the paperwork......they stick me...BUTTERS....in a big kennel! Can you believe the nerve of these humans? First in the ivy, then the kennel.....but don't you worry...I told them a thing or two through that window and I saw the evil one watching me so I know she heard me:)Until later....I need a nap...these "adoption days" are tiring!



Anonymous said...

Oh, I like the ivy photo. You look like you are hunting wabbits or something, ha rooooo!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Butters,

Welcome to www.dogswithblogs.com.au - it is great to meet you and I am sure you will make LOTS of new friends here :)


PS - I am sure you will find your furever home soon.

Khady Lynn said...

It's so humiliating when they try to make us pose for them so they can take "cute" pictures of us. Oh well, we are adorable, so it's not that hard I guess.

I'm sorry you didn't get adopted. But I just know you will find the right furever home when the time is right.


Anonymous said...

Butters.. You have been tagged. Go to my blog for more info :)

Bailey said...

Hi, Butters. My mom just emailed you about a post for the Zero spot remover stuff. I have seizures and throw up, I can't help it, but mom needs a good cleaner for the carpet. Let us know! Luv, Bailey

Paige said...

Ok Baily....I am sure my mom will answer you as soon as she is done doing the happy dance and babyin that Nika girly dupey doo some more!
