Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue's Fan Box

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Last night's woe's

So....after I had to rush to hide myself from the evil master Paige last night, let me tell you about the rest of my night. That princess dog Nika that lives with me....well she just had "liver sturgery" or somethin and she is REALLY milkin it for all its worth. She needs to be carried up and down the stairs, master Paige is feeding her with a spoon (yes this is the same one who puts toys on my nose for the Ebay auction and takes cruel pictures of ME), and she gets to spend extra alone time with the master! I had to walk right through a baby gate with my head the other day to join them.....good thing I have a hard dome! Can you all believe the torturous ways I must endure? Ok, so maybe I am a little crazy to want to spend time with the evil one....but secretly I hear she likes me:) I still am thinking of protesting at the top of the stairs tonight until the evil one picks me up and carries me down too. Until later........


Anonymous said...

I'll bet she likes you a LOT! You work it Butters!

Marley said...

I fully support your protest at the top of the stairs! If one whiny baby can be carried, Paige can carry you all!


Anonymous said...

awwwww Butters!! What is she thinking doing all those horrible things to you. You should come stay here and my Mom will call you Mr. Bigglesworth!!

Anonymous said...

Woo Butters... You need to post your videos for those who are not on Sibernet to see!

Paige said...

Hmm.. Video's.. I will have to figure that one out!