Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue's Fan Box

Friday, September 21, 2007

Girls against Boys....Girls=1: Boys=0

So Mia Pia here, my foster sister Kya and I thought we would play a fun game today and piss off the humom at the same time.....and boy did it work. The game was....see how dumb the big rock headed white foster Roan is and how dirty we could get him! Out back in our yard the humom has an air conditioner running (for us of course) and underneath there is always a pile of condensation water. She has tried (to no avail by the way) to keep us out of it...but it is a play magnet! So today......us girls lored the big dumb boy into the water hole and dirtied him up real good:) You should have seen the humom's face when she saw HIS face and paws......doggie priceless! Notice how us girls are only slightly dirty don't you? ARRRROOOO

Pia & Kya


Tucker said...

Oooh, I hate getting in trouble! You two are mean! I wonder if something like that would help get rid of the foster puppy here?

Khady Lynn said...

Girls rule!!! Way to go Kya and Pia!!!!


Amici said...

Girls rule and boys drool. Even though you are dirty you still look cute!