Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue's Fan Box

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!

My hu-mom has told me that over the past 2 weeks Tails of the Tundra has pulled in 3 red and white dogs....I think it is in honor of me....the Butters:) They are Yakiska, Zuni and Asher.......two girls and a boy. Yakiska is a 10 month old girl with alot of attitude that REALLY needs to be adjusted so she will be around for a bit, but she is only 10 months old....so hopefully she will straighten up. Zuni is a 3 year old wooly girl (pictured) that was in a shelter after not being contained well by her previous owners. She also had Pyometria and the shelter spayed her and saved her life....her foster mom has a soft spot for woolies and couldn't say no to fostering her! Asher....well, he is the sweetest little 10 month old pup who came in as a stray and was rescued from the same shelter Zuni came from....by the way they came in on the day before New Years Eve...happy one for them! So.....it is a red and white start to the New year for TOTT....the Butters LOVES IT!


Khady Lynn said...

What a pretty whooly!! I sure hope they can find homes soon and it will be a very happy new year for them!!


Amici said...

Very whooly and very pretty! What a great pic. You just want to HUG her! :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

YES - furever homes fur every pawed body this year!

Wags and Wuv,
